Writing services
Bringing a review or round-up of new, topical or original destinations to readers (and reducing said places to circa 1,000 words) is the skill of a feature writer, and I have a portfolio of editorial pieces delivering just that. I mostly write about places to visit across England, Wales and France, but since editors like their readers to benefit from fresh perspectives, I sometimes go off-piste.
Website blog content shouldn’t be a dreary and predictable extension of marketing copy. Here, the writer’s task is to create a feature wall of original and informative angles in an engaging and accessible tone of voice. I’ve worked with organisations like Times Travel, Eurotunnel and Calvados Tourisme on SEO-infused yet natural blog content.
I translate content from French to English. Often, it’s actually a case of ‘transcreating’: not strict word-for-word translation but instead taking the core messages and tailoring them to the British audience. For example, if I was translating content about a French B&B in the north of France, I might add in the distance from the nearest ferry port, since this is where so many holidaymakers will begin their journey.
Hav you ever come acros a glaring typo in a newspaper or on a website and found it totaly hampered the flow of you’re reading? Even wee errors can cause a publication major embarrassment, so it’s always a good idea to employ an eagle-eyed proofreader to weed out any inaccuracies. I proofread every issue of Juno Magazine. (And by the way, the typos were entirely deliberate.)